[ previous section ]
Level 061: Enter The Arrow
Level 062: Trick Exit
Level 063: Blind Faith
Level 064: 99
Level 065: Vexing Arrows
Level 066: Tetris Revisited
Level 067: no name & walkthrough
Level 068: no name & walkthrough
Level 069: no name & walkthrough
Level 070: no name & walkthrough
Level 071: no name & walkthrough
Level 072: no name & walkthrough
Level 073: no name & walkthrough
Level 074: no name & walkthrough
Level 075: Whirlpool
[ next section ]
Enter The Arrow[061]
Written Walkthrough #022
brief description: A two dimensional structured introduction level with the strange but intriguing arrows introduced.
hint: Just keep rolling, rolling, rolling...
solution: Turn left, follow the path (path now defined further as not only where you can go, but where you can go because of arrows!) till you're in the center. Turn right, then take the T-junction to the left. Follow the path, but jump over the active exit. Roll over two further arrows, then turn left, roll to the center, turn left, roll to the exit (picking up the fruit).
Trick Exit[062]
Written Walkthrough #023
brief description: A two dimensional structured level made of five small square-outline structures of Cubes, still relatively simple, but to get everything, just rolling won't do. You start out on a square structure midway on one side of it, with the exit behind you on the opposite side, and the remaining two square sides with arrows pointing to you.
hint: You can jump across the holes in the square-outline structures.
solution: [The following does not include the fruit] Turn right, move forward, turn left. Jump. Turn right, roll forward, turn left, roll forward, jump. Pick up the blue gem and instantly turn left. Jump, jump and jump. Turn right, move forward, turn right, move forward, turn right, jump. Turn left, move forward, turn right, jump, turn right, move forward, turn left, move foward (pick up the key), turn left, move forward, turn right, jump. Turn left, move forward one, turn right, jump onto the exit.
Blind Faith[063]
Written Walkthrough #024
brief description: A single square-outline structure with arrows pointing in strange, empty directions that at first glance seems impossible to solve. You will learn that you cannot jump over any arrows in this level.
hint: Blind faith helps.
solution: Turn left, roll till you are one the arrow, then jump into the direction it's pointing. You will land on farsighted invisible Cubes. Use them to roll past the arrow and jump onto the main puzzle beyond it again. Pick up what you want. Do the same concept for the other side and to get to the exit. To get the fruit, remember that any item will always be on at least one Cube, so you can jump onto it without falling into infinity.
Written Walkthrough #025
brief description: Two structures looking a bit like a '9' are connected by two pillars.
hint: Some things are meant to be grabbed in flyby.
solution: Turn left, roll to and onto the end, turn left again, roll till the key you saw first in the level is below you and to your left. Turn left. Jump. You'll pick up the key in flyby. Roll out of the otherwise inaccessible location. Now follow the only other arrow on this level of things, pick up coins. Roll to and onto the end. Turn into the direction of the fruit (it'll be quite a bit below you at this point). Roll or jump there. Then return to and onto the end you came from. Turn left. Follow the path (watch the lethargy pills). Follow the arrows and pick up the key. (For the quicker people amongst you: Careful, there is a timer there). Jump down from where you are (If you've gotten this far, that's all directives you should need). Follow the path till you roll over an arrow. When you're one field beyond it, stop, and wait till the Tint is to your right, but just infront of you. Then quickly roll forward and follow the path to the exit.
Vexing Arrows[065]
Written Walkthrough #026
brief description: ...
hint: ...
solution: Follow the path till you've one arrow seperating you and a timer. Turn into the only alternative direction. Follow the path. (Optional: This time, wait till it makes sense to pick up the timer and then do it (afterall, you get points). Continue following the path, till you're back in the square before the timer, or, well, ex-timer now.) Turn left and follow the path till there is an ice field to your right. Turn left. Follow the path (jump over the lethargy pill). Pick up the key, then follow the path till there is an ice field to your right. Turn right and roll along the path to the exit.
Written Walkthrough #xxx
brief description: ...
hint: ...
solution: ... [Emergency 'void' exit at the opposite end of game field as seen from the actual exit]
Written Walkthrough #040
brief description: There are four double elevator Cubes in the center of this level, moving in synchronization. There are four different regular Cube structures around this whirlpool, three of which are 'simple' Cube rows. You start out on one of these.
hint: Don't take risks - if your solution requires too much timing to work, think it over.
solution: From your starting point, orientate yourself so you are facing away from where the exit square is, seen from your position. Then roll to the end, onto the end, and turn right. Roll forward, turn 180°, jump. You will land on one elevator Cube set, no matter where it currently is - it moves on the vertical axis seen from your current position. Roll forward. Then turn right to face your first stop on this ride: a cube row. Here you will have to pay some attention to your timing so you don't jump past it, but it's hardly impossible. Now on this cube Row, collect what you can (careful with the two Crumble Cubes, only touch one on your way to the fruit, so you can use the other on your way back), then go to the other side of the cube Row to jump back onto the elevator. Roll onto the side of the elevator facing away from the center of the level, and to the end that is the far end as seen from your original starting position. When the elevator stops in direction of your next stop (you don't want to backtrack on yourself, do you?), jump. You will land on the next elevator, which is again moving in the vertical axis as seen from your current position. Basically, this concept can get you through the entire level... but, moving on. Roll forward and to the end, onto the end, and just over the end. Turn right and look down... below you should be the only non-Cuberow structure in this level, within jumping range. Jump onto it. Collect all of worth, then roll to the end of the structure closest to the 'whirlpool' - jump onto it (of course, please watch out if you can, in fact, do that, if not, you're on the wrong side ^_~). Then repeat the previously discussed concept in the direction of your last stop, the exit square. You'll have to repeat it one more time with the last elevator, from which you then can directly jump onto the Cuberow with the exit square on it.