To the game itself, details:
Not everything is documented in the booklet. Many things need to be named by someone, and I have decided that I will be that someone - simply because no one else seems to have much of an interest in creation a Kula World fan site and putting quite the amount of crazy time into this as I did. In short, I shall now append "Neike" to every word that I invent... no, just kidding.
The Kula - synonymous to 'God' in Kula World. No, it doesn't exist in the game itself, but I need it for some witty seeming remarks.
The Abyss/Nirvana - Everything you see in the background of Kula World is a ghost image of something that really exists. It itself, however, does not. So if you fall off a puzzle, no matter in what direction, the Abyss will claim you, and you beach ball will fall for all eternity. Luckily, the game designers knew that 'an eternity' is not something gamers have, and thus decided to tell you that you "Fell Off", and leave it at that.
- Items
- Keys (1000 points each): Self explanatory, I'd assume
- Pills
- Lethargy Pills (official term; 0 points) : Red and yellow. When taken, speed up your time count down, slow down your movements, and cause the screen to wobble and pulsate. Respectively, that is: Bad, very bad, and just plain funky. In difference to the hyperactivity pill (see below), this wears off after about 8 (beach ball) subjective seconds and 25 (Kula World) objective seconds.
- Hyperactivity Pills : Blue and purple. When taken, cause you to bounce. This means you can now only solve puzzles if they are in a two dimensional plane - you can no longer roll over edges, or roll at all. If you 'jump' whilst you're on a hyperactivity pill, you will cross two cube spaces instead of just one with a normal jump, or the one you jump across if you do not jump in this mode... erm...
- Treasure
- Gold Coin : 250 points
- Blue Coin : 500 points
- Red Gem : ~2000 points
- Blue Gem : ~3000 points
- Green Gem : ~3000 points
- Fruit : One in each level, usually harder to get than keys. Collect five of these for a bonus level.
- Sunglasses : When donned, make the Farsighted Invisible Cubes visible for a limited amount of time. See below as to what a Farsighted Invisible Cube is. Hint: If you want to look at the invisible structures longer than that, hit pause whilst the effect is in action.
- Hourglass a/k/a Timer (400 points) : Turns your hourglass around. It will leave you with the amount of seconds you took to get to it... so if you get it after ten seconds, you have another ten to finish the level. But if you get it at one minute, just before the time runs out, it almost doubles your time. Latter can be very useful.
- Cube Surfaces
- Exit : Can be either partially transparent without a base, in which case you are taken to a Void level, or solid with a base, in which case you are taken to the next level (normal or bonus).
- Spikes
- Static Spikes : Are meant to be jumped over.
- Moving Spikes : Sometimes need to be crossed without a jump - get your timing right.
- Ice
Woe him who steps unto the ice facing not in the direction of his goal, for he shall find himself spun off and likely doomed. These fields lock your rolling into the direction you started in for the time you are on them. You can also not stop rolling. You can, however, jump.
- Fire
Thrice you may touch a fire field in a row without it spelling thine demise, O Beach Ball, yet steppeth thou uponst a fourth, the heat shall consume you and you shall burn horribly, IN HELL, mwahahahaha. Alternatively, you can step onto a fire field and turn either left or right once (and get off instantly thereafter) without dying.
- Bounce Pad
Like an active jump with a hyperactivity pill. Just not set off by you, and usually these things pop up where they'd hurl you right into the Abyss.
- Teleporter Pad
Teleporters have colours. And they are never alone. If you see one red teleporter, there will be another one, and if you step on the one you see (if it's on), then you will be taken to the other one and vice versa. Gets tricky when there are several of the same colour - then it cycles through.
- Laser Pad
May or may not be emitting a laser. A laser is always strung between two laser pads.
- Button
(De)activates teleporters or lasers of the specific colour. Warning. If you have both lasers and teleporters of the same colour and you hit the respective button, both will (de)activate.
- Timeless Field
Halts your time if you're on it. Very nice.
- Vortex Field
Is under a fruit in a bonus level, cycles through all other cubesurfaces & cube textures - effects unknown.
- Cube Types
- Phaseshifter Cube
Watcheth, ye, for these mighty Cubes may vanish beneath your plastic bum without a warning. Follow the pattern, their pattern, and live.
- Crumble Cube
Touch, and gone is the Cube. Cross such pathes only once, and be sure that others will carry you back. If you have a longer strip of these in a row, it's always better to hop and not roll across it (leaving every second cube in place, thus), so you can return the same way you came from, should you then later require it.
- Elevator Cube
More on the permanently solid side of things, but just as dodgy as the Phaseshifter Cubes.
- Farsighted Invisible Cube
Glass cubes that are completely invisible unless you either pick up a pair of sunglasses or land on them, in which case they become visible to a certain extent immediately around you.
- Nearsighted Invisible Cube
Glass cubes that are visible until you roll onto them - in which case they turn invisible like the Farsighted Invisible Cubes would turn visible around you.
- Bonus Cube
Worth something when you roll over it. Is flashy purply colours, then turns flashy yellow gold colours. This is the only special Cube that can come in combination with any cube surfaces and can be combined with the Phaseshifter Cubes.
- Levels
- Normal Level : You can try this level till your score drops below 0, when you hit a Game Over. If you fail a level, the level number is divided by two and multiplied with a hundred ( e.g. 40 -> 2 000 ) and this is your penalty which is deducted from your score. Furthermore, anything points you have made in that level will be subtracted, also, teaching you rather painfully not to be greedy...
- Bonus Level : A one-try level. Goal: Jump on all Bonus Cubes. On failure: No losses (no penalty, no level score deduction).
- Void Level : A one-try level that otherwise acts like a normal level, including penalty and score deduction.
- Extra Level : Like a normal level, just with level numbers greater than 150
Various, creative ways of death:
- Fell Off:
(raspy voice) The Abyss has called you, beach ball, and you have decided to answer. Eternity I can give you, beach ball - I am eternity and spatial endlessness. Your weak grasp to reality has fled you - see it getting smaller, there, at the horizon? It will never leave, but it will soon be insignificant. And you will forever fall. That is the price for eternity.
- Time Out:
- Spiked:
You look... deflated. Are you feeling all right?
- Fire:
Did no one ever tell you that even plastic has a limited amount of heat it can take before it melts and disintegrates? You are no longer a beach ball, intruder in our world - you are a bubbling pile of evoporating goo. *disgust*
- Laser:
You touched it, didn't you? What was the reason - did you wish to commit suicide to escape this world of neverending puzzles? Or was it... was it perhaps merely an accident, a stupidity, a moment of concentration missed...?
- Captured:
You have been seized by the forces of darkness, mortal beach ball. Never again shall you gain freedom, for there is no escape anymore. You shall be interrogated about why you're trying to solve puzzles later today.
- Real Life Tragedy:
Okay, this obviously isn't part of the game-coded deaths, but since it's happened to me twice, I guess I might aswell list it. If you've managed to play all 150 levels, get another memory card and back your save game up on it. Yes, my memory card has wiped itself twice in this state now. Much hair pulling.
- Virus : A bit like the Needle Tint in design, just bulkier, and duller/dirtier in the colours.
- Tires : Horrible grey rolling things. Always avoidable, if I recall correctly.
- Pathshifters : They look like blue, hovering, truncted cubes. They move irregularily and, if given enough space in all directions, will shift their path. They stop after each step, tremble in mid air some, and then continue onwards in any direction from that point - even backtrailing. Often (maybe always?) need confronting. They are generally in the way. When encountering packs of these, you should learn to gamble just a slight bit on their set of paths, else you'll be stuck forever...
- Spirals : Orange spirals that are static when it comes to their placing on the Cube grid, but hop up and down. Their bottom most point is exactly that - a point - so you quickly get the feeling they're just spikes that are moving from on top of you. Cannot be avoided in any level they are in, to my knowledge, though you often only need to pass them once (I say this from trying to recall my experiences with Spirals).
- Needle Tint a/k/a Tints : These are strange beings shifting without rest along their pathes, spinning around their midpoint, from which coloured spikes are jutting. Rarely need to be confronted (usually, they show you which way not to go).