You might be wondering why I'm starting with this level in the walkthrough. Simply because I find it's the easiest to verbally describe. So here it goes:
brief description: You find yourself in the center of a crossing going in all four directions and ending in strips with different coloured lasers and different coloured teleporters. The second cube in each direction dons an arrow pointing into that direction - meaning, once you pass this point, there is no turning back and correcting your path. The first cube in each direction, seen relatively from you, has different colour buttons on it. Ah, so you see, this is a game of logics. Since you're standing on a timeless cube, you have plenty of time to think this through. And you'll need it. Take a piece of paper and a pencil for this one.
hint: Solve this backwards, starting from the exit, and backtracing possible ways to your current position.
solution: I tore my hair out noticing I had to roll over two buttons before I'd go on. Got to hate the psychological tricks in this. Anyway, you need to switch off green and red lasers.
- Go to Red (segment where the red laser is)
- Use the yellow teleporter to get to Green. Pick up the keys.
- Use the yellow teleporter to get to Red. Switch Yellow off. Turn green on.
- Use the blue teleporter to get to Yellow. Switch off Blue.
- Use the green teleporter to get to Blue.